"astrology" text with an image of scrabble tiles that spell the word "words". "astrology" is in black text, with a tan reflection. The scrabble tiles are tan with black text and are sitting on a mirror.

Astrology is the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects. In simple words, Astrology is a system used to explain the influence stars and planetary bodies have on us humans.

Disclaimer: these astrological definitions are somewhat intuitive, but not completely unique. Astrology is a complex, ancient system; therefore, most of the definitions in this astrology glossary are universal and unchanging. Because of this, I site my sources as much as possible.


Throughout this glossary you will see that Astrology is so much more than just a Sun sign horoscope in a magazine. In fact, many of my Tarot Horoscopes are written with the rising sign in mind. This is because the rising sign determines which house the zodiac signs align in, in your chart. From there, the houses determine which area of life things are occurring in for you.

For example, every Full Moon occurs in a different area of your chart. If the Moon is full in your second house, that means information related to your values is being illuminated, whereas if the Moon is full in your eleventh house, information related to your friends and networks is being illuminated. Read on for definitions and keywords for all twelve Astrology houses.

First House (ASC)

The First house is also known as the Ascendant, the first house represents appearance and the “self”. This is the house that alludes to your identity and how other people see you. ASC stand for Ascendant, aka your rising sign.

What’s a Rising Sign?

Well it’s the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at birth. In order to find yours, make sure to have your birth time and location ready, because these are essential for determining not only your rising sign, but where all of the houses and signs fall in your chart. Once you have your birth information, check out astro-charts.com to find out what your rising sign is.

Have questions about the terms in this astrology glossary and how they apply to your natal chart? Contact me and I’ll answer any questions you have.

Second House

The second house represents money and values (not just physical values). Material items often come up when looking at the second house, but this can also point to your psychological values. For example, if you value stability and security, it’s likely you have an earth or water second house. If you value adventure and intellectual stimulation, it’s likely you have a fire or air second house.

Third House

The third house represents local travel, the neighborhood, learning (think community college vs university), and communication. This house can also represent siblings and how you interact with them.

Communication can be verbal, written, or expressed through body language. With that said, the third house is a great place to look for diving deeper into your unique communication style. Water sign third houses likely communicate with more emotions, while air third houses likely communicate with more logic. Earth third houses likely communicate in a more grounded way, while fire third houses likely communicate in a more direct way.

Fourth House (IC)

The fourth house represents home and family. Unlike the tenth house, this house points to more secluded matters. For instance, picture a house – the foundation is the fourth house and the siding/brick is the tenth house. You can’t always see a persons foundation; however, most people have a base beyond themselves that keeps them standing.

Some people have incredible support from their living family, while others may find stability in knowing that their ancestors support them. In a more tangible sense, some people live alone, but feel secure in their favorite room of their house. For me, being alone in my bathtub/bathroom is the foundation that makes me feel grounded and renewed on a day to day basis.

What Does IC Represent in Astrology?

IC stands for Imum Coeli, which is Latin for bottom of the sky. It marks the lowest point in a natal chart.

Here’s what this informative Astrology.com article has to say about the IC, “Similar to the moon, your IC explores the deepest depths of your inner world and underpins what kind of domestic foundation you should create for yourself,”

Fifth House

The fifth house represents fun, creativity, and children. Psychologically speaking, this is the best house for inner child healing work. Even if you don’t have children, you were a child once and that child lives on inside of you. The zodiac sign within your fifth house will show you how you can best nourish your inner child and find ways to play and have fun.

Additionally, the fifth house points to romance and what you find pleasureful. Unlike the seventh house of relationships and partners, the fifth house is more personal. While yes, romance often involves another person, romance at its core, is love. It’s the gestures and sensual acts you adore.

Sixth House

The sixth house represents health, habits, the body, and routine.

Seventh House (DSC)

The seventh house represents relationships and partners (business, romantic, or otherwise).

Eighth House

The eighth house represents sex, death, and other people’s money.

Ninth House

The ninth house represents spirituality, long-term travel, and higher learning.

Tenth House (MC)

The tenth house represents public image and career.

Eleventh House

The eleventh house represents collaboration and friendship.

Twelfth House

The twelfth house represents the subconscious and things that are unseen.

The Luminaries

Although the Sun and the Moon are not planets, they are often grouped with the planets in Astrology glossaries because they orbit around us here on Earth. With that said, the Sun and the Moon have a major energetic impact on all of us.


Keywords: basic personality, ego, illumination


Keywords: emotions, inner child healing, nurture, needs



Keywords: communication, intellect, the mind


Keywords: attraction, harmony, love


Keywords: action, aggression, war


Keywords: boundaries, restriction, time

“[Saturn] is not merely a representative of pain, restriction, and discipline; he is also a symbol of the psychic process, natural to all human beings, by which an individual may utilize the experiences of pain, restriction, and discipline as a means for greater consciousness and fulfillment.” -Liz Greene in Saturn A New Look at an Old Devil


Keywords: abundance, expansion, growth


Keywords: electricity, freedom, rebellion


Keywords: dreams, imagination, spirituality


(Don’t hate me because I’m a dwarf planet.)

Keywords: destruction, generation, transformation

Zodiac Signs

When it comes to the zodiac signs in Astrology, there isn’t a one size fits all definition. In fact, many of the keywords overlap with signs that share their modality or element. For example, all fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) can be blunt and all mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces) can be flexible.


  • Modality: Cardinal
  • Element: Fire
  • Aries Keywords: Aggressive, Bold, Blunt, Brave, Determined, Direct, Fighter, Fearless, Initiator, Passionate


  • Modality: Fixed
  • Element: Earth
  • Taurus Keywords: Sensual, Stubborn, Tenacious, Bull-headed, Down to Earth, Materialistic, Patient


  • Modality: Mutable
  • Element: Air
  • Gemini Keywords: Adaptable, Chaotic, Clever, Curious, Flexible, Scattered, Talkative, Witty, Youthful


  • Modality: Cardinal
  • Element: Water
  • Cancer Keywords: Clingy, Compassionate, Emotional, Empathetic, Indirect, Moody, Nostalgic, Nurturing


  • Modality: Fixed
  • Element: Fire
  • Leo Keywords: Courageous, Charismatic, Dramatic, Expressive, Fun, Loyal, Playful, Protective


  • Modality: Mutable
  • Element: Earth
  • Virgo Keywords: Analytical, Critical, Helpful, Innocent, Logical, Modest, Organized, Perfectionist, Pure


  • Modality: Cardinal
  • Element: Air
  • Libra Keywords: Balanced, Committed, Charming, Diplomatic, Easy Going, Hypocritical, Indecisive


  • Modality: Fixed
  • Element: Water
  • Scorpio Keywords: Driven, Focused, Intense, Obsessive, Passionate, Powerful, Secretive, Vindictive


  • Modality: Mutable
  • Element: Fire
  • Sagittarius Keywords: Adventurous, Honest, Open-minded, Optimistic, Philosophical, Restless, Spontaneous, Wise


  • Modality: Cardinal
  • Element: Earth
  • Capricorn Keywords: Ambitious, Determined, Goal Oriented, Hard Working, Responsible, Rigid, Traditional


  • Modality: Fixed
  • Element: Air
  • Aquarius Keywords: Altruistic, Eccentric, Emotionally Detached, Friendly, Inventive, Outspoken, Unpredictable


  • Modality: Mutable
  • Element: Water
  • Pisces Keywords: Creative, Dreamy, Intuitive, Mystical, Romantic, Sensitive, Soulful, Spacey, Vulnerable


Lunar Nodes

North Node: Where the Moon crosses from the south to the north side of the ecliptic (AKA the Suns orbit). The North Node represents where we are headed, or rather, our destiny/karmic path.

South Node: Where the Moon crosses from the north to the south side of the ecliptic (AKA the Suns orbit). The South Node represents our past lives, or rather, our comfort zones.

NN and SN astronomy definitions, courtesy of Britannica.com. NN and SN astrology definitions, courtesy of Astrostyle.com



The wounded healer.


The goddess of the hearth fire.

Pallas Athena

The goddess of wisdom, warfare, and handicraft.


The goddess of agriculture and fertility.



The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.


The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.


The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

Mutable, by definition, means liable to change. For this Astrology glossary’s purpose, we can see what mutable means by looking at the physical seasons. For example, Gemini season takes place at the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer. Virgo season takes place at the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall, Sagittarius season takes place at the end of Fall and the beginning of Winter, and finally Pisces season takes place at the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring.

More Astrology Terms and Definitions

Astrology terms can be confusing, so these definitions are here to simplify the words used throughout this blog.


A stellium is three or more planets in a birth chart.

With that being said, Astrologers often argue whether a stellium is three or more planets, or four or more planets. As a Capricorn rising with three planets hanging near my ascendant, I’m on the three planet stellium team.

Traditional Planetary Rulers

Each zodiac sign has a planetary ruler. Traditionally, we were unaware of the outer planets, so Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are missing from this list. In modern Astrology, Uranus rules Aquarius, Neptune rules Pisces, and Pluto rules Scorpio.

Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars.

Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus.

Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon.

Leo is ruled by the Sun

Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter.

Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn.

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