Sagittarius Season – Let It Be

Image of "Let it Be" spelled out in scrabble letters on a white background. Black header with purple "Sagittarius Season" text surrounded by two Sagittarius arrow symbols.

I’ve been distant from the blog lately, but I’m back here to tell you all about the identity shift I’m experiencing. For a while, my posts have felt extremely negative and dark. I shouldn’t be embarrassed to express this sad side of myself; but, I also shouldn’t staple this emotion as my identity. One dangerous thought to have is “I have depression; therefore, I am a depressing person”. It’s hard to overcome depression when you label yourself as a deep, dark, and philosophical person who is more creative and interesting when sad. During this Sagittarius season, I am working to overcome my sad identity and choosing to let it be instead.

An identity shift comes from stepping out of a depression mindset, and guys this is so hard to do. Don’t worry though, I’m not about to tell you that toxic positivity is the answer here. There has to be a balance between pessimism and optimism. If you’re like me and are looking to find balance this Sagittarius season, start with observing what you can’t control, and letting it be.

Sagittarius Season – A Time For Letting it Be

My kindergarten teacher once wrote in my report card, “Emily has an outspoken zest for life”. Over the past few years though, my friends and family have told me I’m “super negative and judgmental”. Why do I have to choose either as my identity? Should I take what others say and staple it on my forehead like “yup, this is me”. Can’t I be both zesty and cynical?

Let the lesson be: surrender to that which you cannot control. People may think you’re negative, and people may think you’re positive. You can be both! Neither option is bad or good. No self proclaimed identity trait is permanent. We are all mixes of both positive and negative, light and dark, masculine and feminine. YOU get to be who YOU want to be during this Sagittarius season, so just let it be.

Sagittarius Keywords: Outspoken, Enthusiastic, Open-minded, Restless, Wise, Optimistic

We all have that energy of the wise, outspoken, zesty Sagittarius inside of us. The house Sagittarius falls in in your chart can show you where you need to let it be during this Sagittarius season.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind, the other planets and aspects you have in your chart may effect this interpretation. This is my general understanding of Sagittarius in the houses based on keywords and intuition.

First House (Sagittarius Rising)

Blue, Teal, and Orange stripes surrounding a black circle with an orange Sagittarius symbol in it. Also included "Sagittarius Rising" across the middle in black text.

The first house is the house of identity, first impressions, and the general approach one takes to life. With Sagittarius rising, you should try to let your identity be during this Sagittarius Season. Others may see you as optimistic and adventurous, but you don’t have to appear positive and fun if you don’t want to. Sagittarius has a dark side too, so bring back your emo phase if you want. Dye your hair black, or not. Whatever.

Second House (Scorpio Rising)

Blue, Orange, and Pink stripes surrounding a black circle with a blue Scorpio symbol in it. Also included "Scorpio Rising" across the middle in black text.

The second house is the house of values and possessions. With Sagittarius in the second house, you place value on adventure and travel. Rather than cling tightly to your possessions, you take risks with your money in an effort to expand and gain more in the long run. If this freaks out your down to earth family members, don’t worry. Take flight and let it be.

Third House (Libra Rising)

Blue, Green, and Pink stripes surrounding a black circle with a pink Libra symbol in it. Also included "Libra Rising" across the middle in black text.

The third house is the house of communication and neighbors. With Sagittarius in the third house, you can be VERY outspoken, so if you’ve offended someone close to you recently, it may be a good time to let your opinion be and apologize. I know your words are meant to make others think deeply, not hurt their feelings. But sometimes words cut too deep. Once you own up to your actions, you will be able to communicate more freely again.

Fourth House (Virgo Rising)

Pink, Orange, and Green stripes surrounding a black circle with a green Virgo symbol in it. Also included "Virgo Rising" across the middle in black text.

The fourth house is the house of the home and foundations. It points to ones connection with roots and family. With Sagittarius in the fourth house, you can make anywhere feel like home. Being stuck in one small place for too long can make you restless, so let the housework be for a little bit. Get outside with the family and go for a long drive. Maybe go see some Christmas lights.

Fifth House (Leo Rising)

Aquamarine, Green, and Orange stripes surrounding a black circle with a orange Leo symbol in it. Also included "Leo Rising" across the middle in black text.

The fifth house is the house of creativity and romance. With Sagittarius in the fifth house, you LOVE love! Yet while you have no problem expressing your love for other humans, you also have no problem expressing your hate for other humans. If people are bothering you right now, let them be. Go on a solo date to somewhere you’ve never been before.

Sixth House (Cancer Rising)

Aquamarine, Pink, and Red stripes surrounding a black circle with an aquamarine Cancer symbol in it. Also included "Cancer Rising" across the middle in black text.

The sixth house is the house of health and service. With Sagittarius in the sixth house, you are open to expanding your health regimen and have a lot to say when it comes to food, fitness, and self care. With that said, if you’ve been slipping off of your routines this Sagittarius season, let it be. Enjoy this holiday season and get back to your routines in Capricorn Season.

Seventh House (Gemini Rising)

Aquamarine, Yellow, and Pink stripes surrounding a black circle with a Pink Gemini symbol in it. Also included "Gemini Rising" across the middle in black text.

The seventh house is the house of partnerships. With Sagittarius in the seventh house you are always expanding your relationships. You like to go on adventures with new friends and can get bored being around the same people day in and day out. Let your social butterfly status be, and roam free.

Eighth House (Taurus Rising)

Pink, Yellow, and Red stripes surrounding a black circle with a yellow Taurus symbol in it. Also included "Taurus Rising" across the middle in black text.

The eighth house is the house of sex, death, and other people’s money. Oh what fun! With Sagittarius in the eighth house you are always open to bonding with others on a deeper level. You give great advice because you often see the light at the end of the tunnel and have an optimistic outlook, even in dark times. Depth with others, will help you gain depth within yourself. Absorb other people’s energy and don’t worry about returning any favors right now.

Ninth House (Aries Rising)

Indigo, Yellow, and Red stripes surrounding a black circle with a red Aries symbol in it. Also included "Aries Rising" across the middle in black text.

The ninth house is the house of philosophy. It’s actually the house that’s associated with Sagittarius (AKA shares many similar keywords and qualities). So with Sagittarius in the ninth house, you are always looking to expand your mind and place meaning on life’s experiences. Traveling and embracing other cultures is a great way to do this. If you can’t afford a trip right now though, let it be. You can look for unique local spots that allow you to experience other cultures. Or use the internet to gain insights into other cultures. There are plenty of travel bloggers out there with enriching content.

Tenth House (Pisces Rising)

Indigo, Purple, and Red stripes surrounding a black circle with an indigo Pisces symbol in it. Also included "Pisces Rising" across the middle in black text.

The tenth house is the social status and career house. It points to ones public image and structure. With Sagittarius in the tenth house you have big boss energy. You are outspoken in your bold and optimistic approach to leading others. While this can come off overly critical at times, you don’t really mean to be. You just know that everyone is capable of being the best version of themselves and you strive to lead everyone to bigger and better things. If some people aren’t latching on to your leadership style, don’t push them. Let them be, and try a softer approach with them.

Eleventh House (Aquarius Rising)

Indigo, Teal, and Purple stripes surrounding a black circle with a purple Aquarius symbol in it. Also included "Aquarius Rising" across the middle in black text.

The eleventh house is the house of groups. With Sagittarius in the eleventh house you are connected to the bigger picture of life and you love to share your connections with the rest of society. While you appear eccentric and “woo woo” to some, many people can’t help but be drawn to your energy. You have expert networking skills and can talk to anybody, as long as you feel called to do so. However, if you don’t want to share your energy with people, let it be. There are plenty of niche sectors of society. You don’t need to make your mark on all of them.

Twelfth House (Capricorn Rising)

Purple, Orange, and Teal stripes surrounding a black circle with a teal Capricorn symbol in it. Also included "Capricorn Rising" across the middle in black text.

The twelfth house is the house of the unconscious. What is unconscious cannot be seen. With Sagittarius in the twelfth house you are able to expand your mind so deeply that if you aren’t careful, you may get lost in there. Good news is, you are optimistic when it comes to trusting in a higher power and surrendering to the unknown. So even if you do get lost, you will always find a way to move forward and beyond the darkness that surrounds you. Rather than trying to find the light all of the time, let the darkness within you be. It too shall pass.


When you find yourself in times of trouble this season, connect with your Sagittarius house and remember to let it be. Inner peace and freedom is found in letting it be and living in the present moment. You are special and unique, so don’t listen to your dark, deceiving thoughts.

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